Meet a Sydney Photographer

Hi I am Matthew Vasilescu, Sydney based Corporate and Commercial photographer.
I have been using a camera to engage with the world for over 25 years. It’s not a job, it’s not a medium, it’s a vocation. I am genuinely interested in the subjects I photograph and I think you might agree that it shows. The way people respond to me, the insights I capture, and the way viewers engage with the imagery creates a connection through the lens.

I Photograph the World’s Biggest Names

This has been my secret sauce and success in many fields. It is why I am commissioned to ‘shoot’ people like Harrison Ford, Julia Gillard, Germane Greer, Donald Trump and Anthony Robbins. I have covered everything from news editorials and celebrity profiles to boardroom portraits and corporate events. I am an accredited AIPP photographer and also serve as a volunteer NSW council member. You will also find me continually working on material to exhibit, from landscapes to social & community issues. These are often my personal photographic art collections, which usually informs my current work. These days, you’ll find my work online across many websites. Check out the video to learn more…

I Work for Australia’s Biggest brands

From Woolies to the government in Sydney and further afields, my corporate photography projects have taken me inside corporate boardrooms, on construction sites, in warehouses and even in mining camps!

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Elly Johnson

How I Can Help

Perhaps you’re compiling an annual report. Creating a new website. Promoting an event, a department, or a person. The distressing reality is that for all your hard work, most people will either skim it or skip it – and they’ll do that within the first HALF A SECOND of setting eyes on it.

So how do you get them to pay attention? How do you entice them to get involved? The biggest mistake people make when creating communication is focusing on what they want to say instead of how people will receive it. This makes for an expensive missed opportunity. Why? Because 100% of the value of any communication is not in the information you deliver, but in the engagement it creates. In how it makes people feel. And the first and therefore most important thing people engage with are the images you use.

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Say More With Your Images

It is the images that will entice viewers to stay on your page, read your words, listen to your carefully crafted story. And if the images don’t engage them – emotionally, nor rationally – then you’ve missed your opportunity and the rest of the time and money you’ve expended has been lost. This is why using ‘snaps’ taken by ‘someone’ is such a costly mistake.

I have always had a knack for seeing the humanity and essence in every context, for finding the emotional hook, the heart of the visual story, and capturing it in an image. Fast.

If you want to find out more about how I can do this for you, give me a call or get in contact on email. I look forward to talking with you and creating amazing imagery.